Navigating the holiday season through COVID-19

As the New Year’s approaches, you might be faced with new and challenging situations with regards to Navigating the holiday season through COVID-19.  

There are many annual traditions and rituals that people cherish during the holidays that they are encouraged to skip this year, such as hosting large family gatherings, attending holiday parties, and traveling to visit loved ones. 

“Don’t rule out sharing meals and activities using virtual technology. Staying connected is really important.” 
We’ve put together a blog of advice on how to start Navigating the holiday season through COVID-19, by feeling more hopeful and spending time doing what matters most to you during this time of year. 

Find virtual and safe ways to connect 

Connecting virtually can be just as worthwhile as in-person gatherings.   
Local network providers have come up with zoom, skype and Microsoft team meetings data packages, so if you need to call someone virtually and don’t want your data to be drained, you can add on one of these packages from your network provider and connect with your loved ones and spend this season with them even if they are miles away!  

Attending Parties and Large or Small Gatherings.  

Happy Afro American family making selfie for Christmas holiday

Spend this Christmas with your closest family at home and avoid moving among large crowds. We all need to take caution and be safe this year with the rapid spread of covid-19.  

Find other ways to be entertained 

Make yourself some hot chocolate, get into some comfy clothes and watch the Christmas and new year’s great movies this year!  

Plant a new tree in your garden or your balcony to give thanks to staying safe this year and to give yourself a boost in taking on the new year!  

Christmas Shopping 

Here’s a useful set of guild lines put together by to follow when shopping this season! 

Focus on the true meaning of the holiday season 

The circumstances of the pandemic have led people to reassess their priorities and be more mindful of what’s important to them. 

The commercialism of the holiday season is a little less intense this year. This helps turn the focus back on what these holidays really mean. Family. 

Find ways to reconnect with what is most meaningful to you about the season. Whether it be spiritual, personal or religious values and beliefs. 

Slow down and spend time in nature 

If you’re normally a person who feels overwhelmed by the stress and expectations of the holidays, take time to slow down, be fully present and stay in the moment. 

There are a lot of people who are alone this time of year. Instead of preparing a big meal, reach out to them and say, ‘How are you doing? I’m thinking about you.’ 

If you’re not feeling well connect with 1333 ccc suicide hotline.